Monday, March 5, 2012

Makeup Table

Recently, Kim was telling me that she would like a small table to put in the bathroom that she could use to sit down and put on makeup. She gave me a rough idea of what she would like and I ran with it. I used poplar wood for the table and pine for the stool (although, the seat for the stool was poplar). Here are some pics from the process and then finished result. I don't actually have the top attached yet though. I placed it on the table to get the pictures, but it's not attached. Because the expanding and contracting of the wood through the seasons can cause a table top to crack, I'm still researching how to do it right.

So, the clamps on here make it look like I did such a wonderful job with gluing together. And it IS in fact glued. But, I was experimenting with a dowel jig (which did work pretty well) and mounting the frame between the 2x2s. I dropped the ball on the middle mounting. They were just crooked and I never could get the table even close to square so I busted it all apart with a hammer and started over with screws. And this time I mounted edge to edge and it worked MUCH better.

Here is the stool before stain. This was another disaster remade. Originally, I used 2x2s for the legs and 1x2s for the frame pieces. But, I was having issues with keeping it square because of the frame pieces. So, I tore it apart and used 2x2s for the frame as well and it worked wonders. Then, I used 2 planks of leftover poplar wood glued together for the seat.

This is the table top finished before sanding. I had to glue three pieces together to make it and once sanding and staining was finished, it looks like one piece..

Here is the drawer that is definitely not dovetailed together. It you've never tried making hand crafted dovetails or box joints, try it. You will pull your hair out. Just look at me!

This is the frame being set outside on a nice day to help dry the putty. I honestly have no idea if the frame for the drawer is anything close to legitimate, but I tried. So far, it seems to be holding up just fine.

These next few pictures are the finished product (again, aside from the top actually being attached). The stain turned out awesome. Hopefully it will last!


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