Monday, December 20, 2010


This video doesn't have the best sound quality, but I loved the beginning of it with the story of the song. I make the mistake and horrible judgment of thinking many times that so many Christian artists really don't believe what their singing. I mean, I hear people sing about how if God puts them in the valley that they'll just keep on singing and smiling until their death. Then I think, really? Would you seriously? When Todd (the singer in this video) said that about his daughter, I was floored. I just kept thinking how horrible that was and then listening to the words and really seeing how this song could be meaningful to him. But, I've been a fan of Selah since their first CD where they told their personal story of "It Is Well With My Soul."

In a practical sense, I love to say I have a truck load of faith in theory, but it's in the tough situations that we're really tested do we see that faith lived out. But, like Todd said, there are good days and there are horrible days, but we have to choose to continue to serve and praise the God who promises redemption and restoration of hearts and lives.


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